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December 10-12, 2021 / Baku-Azerbaijan / Azerbaijan Cooperation University


​Conference Calendar

Abstract submission deadline: November 28, 2021

Payment and registration deadline: December 02, 2021

Conference program publication date: December 05, 2021

Deadline for submission of full text: December 15, 2021

(no full text requirement)

Proceedings Book publication date: December 30, 2021



Scope and Subjects of the Conference

Economic and Sociology

Open to all original studies written in the field



Conference Venue

Zoom Meetings-Online

Baku, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Cooperation University



Conference Publication Opportunities

Publication of Abstract and Full Texts in the conference book with ISBN



Payment Document

You will be given a valid invoice / payment document for the congress fee

to make payment 20 USD via credit card click on the link



Abstract and Full Text Submission

You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract. The summary evaluation process takes at most 5 days. The author is informed without waiting for the evaluation result. Your abstracts must be in the 200-300 word range. You should definitely include ABSTRACT in English to your abstracts. You must send your abstracts in word / doc format to by November 28, 2021 at the latest.


There is no full text requirement in our congress. If you want to publish your full texts in the congress book, you must send your FULL TEXTS to by December 15, 2021 at the latest after your abstract is accepted.

Text Writing Rules - Times new roman, type in 12 pt. (The title of the article, names of authors, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and all keywords should be 12 pt. F

or parts such as graphics, tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)

Your full texts in doc / word format until December 15, 2021 at the latest (no full text requirement)

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